Friday, 19 December 2014

1.4 Mommy: Alex; Daddy: Dustin Langerak

So it's been a while . . . my excuse is school. But since it's been so long, I figured I'd recap. Last time, Alex got pregnant with and had Beau Andrews' kid, Norah. Jenna and Jaime became teens. Gwenna and Gavin became kids. Alex traumatized her children, and Gwenna fished. Also, we ran out of guys that Alex knows.

Which is why we start out this chapter with this handsome face one gentleman right here. He moved into town, so I decided that Alex should welcome him.

He was married with a teenage son and toddler daughter (not that kids or spouses have stopped us before), and while Alex was there, nobody was taking care of this little girl.

I don't know how townies don't get visits from the social worker. I never see any of them taking care of their toddlers or babies.

At the Flowers residence, however, toddlers and babies are our number one priority! Which is why Jaime is teaching Norah how to talk while their mother tries to hook up with strangers.

It's not all work, though. Norah does have time to play with the doll that a mysterious family member sent her.

 We invited Santiago (that's his name) over to try and get him into bed. He brought his daughter. Probably because Alex cared more for that little girl than the family did.

Fortunately, Alex can convince him to pay attention to her.

And it works for a while. Unfortunately, he rejected her about twenty times, so I sent him home.

That night, we got a visit from a burglar. She came in, stole the shower AGAIN and left. At least we had money enough to replace it this time.

I don't remember if this was for an opportunity or if they both just wanted to work out, but that weekend, Jenna and Jaime went to the gym.

And Gwenna fished.

The weekend also gave Alex the chance to teach Norah her skills, so she aged up to child.

Her she is post-makeover. She gained the trait Hydrophobic, which is unfortunate, because the walls of her room are covered in an underwater scene.

She was then able to spend the rest of Sunday playing around.

Which meant that Alex could do other things, like meet men. This is Dustin Langerak. He got old.

But unlike the younger Santiago, Dustin is youthful at heart.

Youthful enough, even, to woohoo in the shower at the gym.

He didn't take the rejection well, however.

Oh, and hey, check it, barfing!

Alex: Huuaaaarrgghhh!

That's not attractive, dear.

Pretty soon, it was time for the oldest twins to become Young Adults and leave the nest. Oldest first.

And then the younger twin.

Here's Jenna's makeover pic. She rolled  Green Thumb and her LTW is to be a Superstar Athlete.

Here's Jaime post-makeover. He rolled Dog Person and wants to also be a Superstar Athlete. I guess it's a good thing that they got in that workout time at the gym.

But that's not it for the birthdays! The other twins are aging up as well! Gwenna first. She got Virtuoso.

Here she is in her formalwear.

Than Gavin, who rolled Childish. Well, in this house, at least he'll fit in.

And here Gavin is in his formal wear!

Why formal pics, you ask? Why because of prom, of course! They aged up just in time to make it into the limo.

Gwenna had an eventful prom. She got denied for a dance and got into not one but two fights, but also became Romantic Interests with Tyrone Keaton, the Keaton baby from the beginning of the game, and got crowned prom queen.

Gavin also got denied for a dance and into a fight, but he didn't get a date out of it, only a crown.

What were our newly-grown-up twins doing while their siblings partied? They were out getting jobs in the sports career.

And moving out. And so they are tossed into the void of Story Progression. *hums and haws* EA Story Progression *screams*. Yeah. I do have nraas SP, but at this point, I didn't even have any custom content in the game, so the first generation of kids is pretty stagnant in their lives after leaving home.

Not long after, Alex popped a Langerak baby bump.

And apparently nothing happened for three days. The kids went to school, came back, did homework. Alex painted, probably. I didn't even get a screaming pic. Oh well, let's skip along to the babies.

Here we have Baby #6, Skye Flowers.

And her twin sister, Baby #7. Also known as Maggie.

And then we aged them up. Wait a minute, that isn't a birthday picture. That's a cat! Yep, folks, that's right. I bowed to the pressure of Gavin wanting a cat. Also, my own real live cat next to me purring. This is Buttons. I got him as an adult cat so that we wouldn't have to take care of him for his whole lifespan.

NOW we age up the twins. First is Skye.

Here she is post-makeover. She is certainly a Langerak. She was born with Virtuoso locked in, and rolled Good. She likes white, and fruit parfait, and country music.

And then Maggie ages up.

Here she is. She looks like her mom except for the mouth, which comes from her dad. At various lifestages, it makes more of an impact upon her face as a whole than others. She was born Brave and rolled Artistic. She likes aqua and cookies and indie music.

So that's it for this chapter. It's a bit longer, but that's going to be the pattern for a bit. The house is filling up and Alex seems to be losing her charm. Next time, there are more birthdays, kisses, and of course, another baby.